Posts in Learnings
On Accomplishments: The Most Important Accomplishments in life

I thought that what I was initially seeking, was unattainable.I have been going into a tailspin wondering HOW, after putting forth meticulous goals, studies and absorbing resources, am I not “there” yet? Then another moment hit me, where is “there?” And, how did I know once I got “there?”Is being “there” what I have been working towards? Is it my biggest accomplishment in life?

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Goal Creation: How-To Create Goals that Inspire

I’ve said this before and I will say it again, because it is something that I struggled with myself, do not let age or perceived lack of experience become a roadblock in dreaming new dreams or setting new goals: it is your life, and you have every right and permission to set forth visions that will improve your quality of life at any age or any stage.

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On Routines: A Day in Review

So, why do routines matter so much to me? Because these sequences make up your day. Each day makes up your year. & Each year makes up your life. Routines, although seemingly trivial, are hugely important. They create a sense of certainty within uncertain times. It makes us feel some semblance of control during this unprecedented, gray times. They are actions, rituals, habits, that can have heavily influence how you feel every moment of every day.

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Advice: Tips & Tricks for New Moms

I was fortunate enough to have the most thoughtful friends create a video for me welcoming me to motherhood and bestowing upon me their advice for this new volume of my life. Taking their heartfelt suggestions and trickling in my own learnings, I want to share the following simple tricks for you to possibly adopt and make them your own.

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The Opportunities Method: How to Plan, Not to Plan

The truth is, my calendar obsession & over-planning tendencies started long before digital calendars were created (now that I think about it, hopefully not that long…). It started with school agendas. The excitement I got being handed a fresh off-the-press, new school year agenda was similar to that of how I feel now walking into a Trader Joe’s during seasonal product drops: pure and utter joy.

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