Posts in Learnings
Oracle Decks 101

I love Oracle Decks. Stowed away in my office is a secret library containing about fifty decks. There is never a dinner or a voyage in which I don’t have a deck of cards with me. I bring them out while wine is being served at dinner, after a friend discloses a trying circumstance, or if a stranger-turned-acquaintance brings up a loved one who has crossed over; to me, there lies encouragement, healing and answers in the cards.

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Confessions of a Self-Inflicted Busy Burnout

As I collapse into bed at night, the ability to think clearly muddied by overwhelm and full-body exhaustion, a question creeps into my mind: “I have to do this all over again tomorrow?” Tomorrow would be another day packed with many moving pieces, meticulously placed and planned out well in advance, planned out to such a degree that I often forget what day of the week it is. Remembering dates has become a thing of the past. Nowadays, I am lucky if I remember what month it is.

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My Ongoing Journey with Spirits (Alcohol)

I am going to cut to the chase(r). I’ve arrived at a crossroad in my life where I want to start calling the shots. I recognize in myself that at the end of a long week, I wine down with a few drinks and I ultimately feel tired, irritable, and lackluster the next day. It is time that I address the spirits that are being served to me, but that may not be of service to me.

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The Great Surrender

Suddenly waving the white flag felt like a welcomed wave of relief. A loving decision made out of self-compassion. A long sigh out, sword down, plop on the ground in the middle of the battlefield and look upward at the sky, rather than forward at the deemed opposition. Upward glances that brought infinite blessings as God and the Universe whispered “finally, you have come back to us.” Then in one swift motion, they picked me up and walked me towards a shaded oak tree. Surrendering to the overwhelms of life all of a sudden didn’t feel so bad, it felt freeing, and it felt empowering.

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Earth School

Deemed a bit controversial, the spiritual subject matter, Earth School, is one that either evokes a nervous system retaliation in the form of fear, followed by dispute, or downright confusion. This is possibly because those general principles we have spent most of our life carefully nurturing, are being presented in a different light, and suddenly gifts us, or rather springs upon us, the opportunity to evolve them further.

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If it’s Not One Thing, It’s Another

I wish this piece could provide you with a solution to these countless troubles or frustrating experiences you are facing. Better yet, I wish that I could take them all away. Or give you a few steps to allow you to release them to the Universe, but when you are in the thick of multiple messes, it feels almost as if nothing can rid you of those feelings. A “five step program” almost feels like an insult.

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Behind the Scenes of Feeling Behind

This piece, is an open-ended, thought provoking, challenge. To ask yourself, “Whose race are you running?” and if it doesn’t feel great, “Why are you taking part in it in the first place?” You will still accomplish all you have hoped for, on your time, your schedule, on your terms. And when you do, you will be able to enjoy it so much more, because you have chosen to experience the reward you defined for yourself, that will make you the happiest, rather than taking on someone else’s reward as your own, or allowing it to pass you by as you run to “the next big thing.”

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Part III: Intuitive Messages in Everyday Life

My wish for you is that this piece provides you with consciousness of opening yourself up to receiving the signs, symbols, aha moments and “Are you freaking kidding me?!” messages your Light Team sends to you every day.

That these fleeting moments stop you in your tracks, slows your hustle down, and brings you back to the beauty of the world surrounding you. That it gifts you with presence, warmth, a smile, a laugh, a deep breath in, a glance upward to the sky, and an acknowledgement that “I see you. I know you are here with me.”

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Part II: The Intuition: How-to Connect with your Intuition

A slight glance out of my office window, watching the mist enfold the leaves on the trees, surrounding me on a cloudy day. Breathing in, and out, a pause, a moment to myself, without thoughts flooding my mind. Then as this moment passes and my gaze refocuses, I hear, “You should consider writing this as your introduction to your next piece.” And in this glimmer of time, I know, this is my intuitive guided moment, to be shared with you.

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Know-it-Alls, Know Less

The frame of mind I am describing, entering a conversation as if you have heard little about the topic being spoken to, is known as beginner’s mind. It is a valuable tool that has allowed me to grant myself permission to be present, be where the words are, and to rediscover the beauty in becoming a student once more.

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The Confidence Conflict

Insecurity is often talked about in low, secretive conversations (if discussed at all). And it can make you feel as if what you just admitted to is embarrassing or as if the worst cuss word has just rolled off the tip of your tongue.

That is because culturally, we tend to associate insecurity with weakness.

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Boundaries Part II: Personal Boundaries

I may be making assumptions here, but it is my belief that 90% of my viewers may fall under the category of “over-doers.” An over-doer is someone who creates an almost unattainable, limitless to-do list ahead of a _____ (vacation, weekend-getaway, wedding, hosting, etc.) and who pushes themselves past their energy capacity to accomplish each and every task, resulting in full-fledge depletion right in time for this meaningful event to take place.

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Boundaries Part I: Relationship Boundaries

I am going to be candid with you: I have experienced trial and error in my life with how to create boundaries without burning bridges. I too, cringe at the thought of having to address hiccups with friendships that have been staring me in the face for a long while, and previously have either chosen to ignore these unresolved feelings or ghost my friend altogether.

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Part II: Dreams 101, The Magic

Although there are quite a few topics in which the line between science and magic are blurred, I believe that dreams are one of the most obvious examples. I say this because how can you tell me, that dreams are just a way for us to organize and process thoughts and emotions when I have come across at least ten groundbreaking inventions that were created as an outcome of dreams? That to me, that is magic. Pure guidance and magic. But I guess magic is relative, or is it?

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When You Wake-Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed

I used to be an “all or nothing” person. I lacked self-compassion when I most needed it. Example being finding myself overeating sweets during what was supposed to be a time of healthy discipline and intake. Leading me to fall off of the bandwagon and breaking a cycle that allowed me to feel my best. For me, it was either I stuck to the plan wholeheartedly, or I wouldn’t succeed. There was no room for what I deemed to be, moments of failure. This trickled into the beginning of a new day in its entirety: I found myself casting off a perfectly good day, if I woke up exhausted, lackluster or demotivated about what the day had in store for me.

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Part I: Dreams 101, The Science

This led me to believe that there has to be more to dreams than the simple fact that they occur while we are asleep. I feel as if I accepted the definition of dreaming from childhood and didn’t give it a second glance or thought. Now, there is a sizable piece of me that believes that besides the science behind dreaming and what our brain undergoes while we are asleep, that there are in fact premonitions that occur, solutions to perceived problems provided to us and a connection to our angels, guides and deceased loved ones within the dreaming state.

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