Part II: The Intuition: How-to Connect with your Intuition
Tips & Tricks to Strengthen the Connection
with your Intuition, Your Light Team
[A slight glance out of my office window, watching the mist enfold the leaves on the trees, surrounding me on a cloudy day. Breathing in, and out, a pause, a moment to myself, without thoughts flooding my mind. Then as this moment passes and my gaze refocuses, I hear, “You should consider writing this as your introduction to your next piece.”
And in this glimmer of time, I know, this is my intuitive guided moment, to be shared with you.]
How-to Connect with your Intuition
Connecting to your intuition can be as simple or as quick as you would like it to be.
I am going to debunk something: You do not have to formally meditate to connect to your intuition.
Yes, I just stated that.
Although I believe meditation is one of the most important practices you can do to achieve inner guidance without your external mind coming in hot with your fears, worries and concerns… The rep meditation has gotten can come across to some as such: serious, boring, over-suggested, anti-sit still, monkey mind, inner chatter won’t quit so why am I wasting my time, this isn’t for me, I am thinking about all I have to do next when this is done… etc. etc.
Meditation can take many forms; and most importantly, it can take your form.
What is your own meditation practice?
This changes seasonally for me, although I am almost always a daily, traditional, guided meditator for ten-thirty minutes a day (side note: y’all, this took me years to achieve).
I also consider long walks in nature, moments in which I stop and just take deep breathes in and out, staring into space and allowing those moments to continue until I slowly come out of it, yoga, laying in the grass, enjoying a warm tea, sitting in in-action, listening to soft music
: to all be forms of personal meditation.
How Long Should I Meditate For?
Depending on the depth of information it is that you are hoping to receive from your Light Team, indicates the amount of time you should spend in soft focus, in your personal meditative state.
Smaller Decisions, Quicker Moments
For example, if you are hoping to receive guidance on what you should eat for lunch one afternoon, you may find yourself benefiting from gazing out the window, for a few moments, breathing in and out, until a warm, inviting image or words flood your mind, on the food you will make or purchase to-go.
Seasonal Decisions, More Moments
If you are looking to your Light Team for help guiding you to a hobby, I recommend sitting with yourself, still, in a quiet room, for a few minutes: for example, grab a tea, sit relaxed, with a pen and piece of paper, ask the question “Can you please provide me with activities that will bring joy, warmth and humor to my day in this season of my life?” then rest easy, and invite in the words that come to mind. Write it all down. Sit with your list and repeat until you discover that hobby that leads you to whisper defiantly “Yes, that is the one.”
Game Changing Decisions, Dedicated Time
Lastly, if it is considered to be a life-altering decision, this takes the greatest amount of self-dedication. I propose a night set-aside for honoring what it is that you seek, in which you surround yourself in a quiet, inviting space, with your favorite beverage, soft music, deep breaths, clearing your head and sitting in silence and then as minutes pass, turning over the thoughts that flood in.
These thoughts aren’t coming from heaviness, rather, they derive from a place of light, comfort and “Oh, wow, that is the one, I know what to do.”
What Are the Common Denominators that Provide a Successful Connection to our Light Team?
Allowance: Allow space, allow room, for your Light Team to incorporate their helpful tidbits into your mind. Think of it like this: You have a LOT of inner chatter going on every day. Nonstop. How the heck is your Light Team supposed to connect with you if you don’t provide them the opportunity to do so? Also, how are you supposed to be able to differentiate between your own racing thoughts and those that are purely guided? Your fun sucking, brain bouncer, probably shuts them down before you can actually take them in and enjoy them.
Do you know how many times a day your Light Team is trying to knock on your door? All the darn time. It is up to us to grant them the chance to guide us. We have to give our Light Team permission, time and space, to do so.
Quiet: Always, always, grant yourself the peace and quiet of your surroundings to the best of your ability. This helps to minimize distractions, and annoyances like “Ugh, my neighbor’s using the leaf blower again?” If you can’t control your surroundings, plug in peaceful music: piano, jazz, nature melodies are my personal favorite to tap into your restful state.
Be Alone: This is self-explanatory, but ensure you are alone. This is about you, no one else, and goes hand-in-hand with minimizing distractions.
Ask: Ensure you either verbally or mentally hold your question at the forefront of your mind when entering a decision-making meditative state. This makes it clear for both you and your Light team, as you receive information directly corresponding to your desires.
Lower Your Frequency: The more energy you put into what I like to reference the state of: the Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies, a children’s book classic, “I am going to get this, and this, and this…” and the excitement of a connection session with your Light Team, the more they are trying to keep up with you and your racing heart and thoughts. Lower your frequency and vibration to a restful state. A calm confidence that you will receive exactly what it is that you are supposed to in these moments.
Trust: This is most likely the hardest quality to uphold when you are first learning to connect with your Intuition + Your Light Team. When I first started connecting, I often found my brain bouncer, my logic, questioning the information received during my sessions. “Really?” I would think to myself, “This is what I need to do? But what about…” {Sigh} You see where I am going, right? We dispel important information instead of honoring it. If you need additional reassurance, repeat your session at a different time. What information is being provided to you? Is it the same as prior? This will help you to learn to trust your connection and your relationship with your intuition and your Light Team.
These are all what I consider to be the fundamentals of connecting with your Light Team. They are also the steps to be honored, practiced and exercised, as much as possible in order to strengthen your intuition. These practices allow intuitive guidance to take root in your mind, in your being, in order to become a part of you and your habitual rituals each day. You will learn to prioritize your intuitive nudges over your inner chatter, to trust them and then to witness the magic once you decide to put them into place. This takes time. But I can promise you the benefits you will receive are great and powerful, they will raise you up to the clouds each day and provide you with an inner glow that will pave the way for self-confidence, happiness and peace, for you know you are making pure decisions for yourself.
The fun is just getting started: Part III: The Intuition, Signs, Synchronicity and Divine Timing coming to you soon.
“Learn to trust it, trust your intuition, and in good time, answers to all you seek to know will come, and the path will open before you.”