Posts in Spiritual Practices
The Triple Threat: Meditation, Mantras and Manifestation

Although I am no proficianado at manifestation, I can tell you that what I’ve dabbled in has worked and turned me into a complete believer in the power behind positive thinking and feeling. We generally know what meditation is and what self-identified, motivational mantras are, but what about manifestation? I define manifestation as a clear desire backed by a heightened sense of self-belief, mentally and energetically, that comes to fruition.

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Part 1: Chakras 101: Meet Your Seven chakras

I was a chakra dabbler. I generally knew that there had to be more to us than our physical body, our mind and our soul. I heard about “opening up your chakras” in yoga (I would nod in agreement with the other yogis as to not look dumb, but secretly knew very little about the subject). But I had no idea how intrigued I would become once I was drawn to study our seven incredible energy centers, known as our chakras, and how eager I would be to hand this knowledge over to you.

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