Part 1: Chakras 101: Meet Your Seven chakras
An Introduction to Your energy powerhouses
“Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.”
-Saint Augustine
I was a chakra dabbler.
I generally knew that there had to be more to us than our physical body, our mind and our soul.
I heard about “opening up your chakras” in yoga (I would nod in agreement with the other yogis as to not look dumb, but secretly knew very little about the subject).
But I had no idea how intrigued I would become once I was drawn to study our seven incredible energy centers, known as our chakras, and how eager I would be to hand this knowledge over to you.
However, in kicking off my research, I began to notice a common trend: that most things I read or listened to included elaborate, spiritual phrases such as “and it is through the Solar Plexus Chakra that we are able to whisper to our spirit animal within the cosmos that ripple in the heighten awareness field of the ethers and opens us up to the outer world of just harmony.”
I mean, what just happened?! I needed a translator for this deep shhh… er, content.
So, my goal within Part 1: Chakras 101: Meet Your Seven Chakras (Yes! there was so much goodness I decided to break it up into two parts) is for you to join me in my chakra dabbling studies and have access to digestible, concise knowledge on what our chakras are and how they play a part in our every day lives.
Part 2 will encompass recommended healing / balancing remedies. For example, you may read through the below and realize “Oh crap, I have a headache right now! How do I balance my Third Eye Chakra?” I most certainly thought the same and will aim to provide you with suggested practices.
Let’s get to the good stuff, shall we?
Chakras 101
Our bodies are energy powerhouses.
We carry energy in seven individual centers (along with about 107 minor ones), known as our chakras. These colorful centers are located from the bottom of your spine to the top of your head.
What is a chakra?
Chakra (cakra) is a Sanskrit word that means “wheel” or “disks.” It has been referenced as part of an ancient system as far back as 1,500 B.C. written about in the Vedic texts of India and passed down through oral traditions (no, I am not familiar with the Vedic texts, however, it sounds legitimate & sacred). “They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.”
“Chakras are energy vortexes [...] Similar to the way your bloodstream connects and supports your many other physical bodily systems, your chakra system connects and supports your physical, energy self and overall emotional well-being.”- Margarita Alcantra
Just like your physical body, which is comprised of layers such as your nervous and skeletal systems, your energy body is comprised of layers referred to as your aura. Your “energy layers” or “energy field”, your aura, interacts with both your physical body and your chakras. Each of these seven chakras are associated with specific organs, body parts and overall emotional wellness.
There can be information stored in each chakra such as: childhood imprints, our culturural experiences, our ancestral connections, past lifetimes, current life events & emotions. Anything from a poor previous experience, unforgettable instances, frightful occurrences or moments of anger, you got it, all file away neatly into our chakras.
{As you can imagine, storing that negativity can play quite a role in your body, in shaking up your overall well-being. If you have not moved through negative energy, it can sit in a chakra, manifest in unfavorable ways in the form of illness or overall under the weather feelings.}
And as you may have figured out by now: Chakras can absorb energy and radiate out energy.
Details on each of these seven chakras are as follows (the following are in order from the base of your spine to the top of your head). I wanted to start at the base, because I believe that the Root Chakra kicks things off in a more tangible way. Almost as if you think to yourself “OK, I got this… let’s keep going.”
The last Chakra can be deep, but we will address it further below.:
The first three are considered to be the Lower Chakras. They are known as the “Earthly Chakras” and encompass physical reality (the material world & our “earthly selves”), survival, relationships (with self and others) and money.
Level 1, Root Chakra [Located at the base of your spine]
“the essentials”
~The Root Chakra embodies: Survival, Home, Family, Security, Health, Nature
~When the Root Chakra is balanced, you feel: Grounded, safe, centered, peaceful, at home, healthy and as if your basic needs are being met in order to survive.
~When the Root Chakra is imbalanced or blocked, you may feel: As if you are behind on everything, overwhelmed, anxious, worried, unsettled or a lack of control. Additionally, issues with money may manifest. {This chakra is really being affected right now due to the current state of the world that is making people feel a lack of control or lack of overall health security.}
~Parts of the body it is associated with: Feet, Legs, Hips, Spine
~Element associated: Earth
~Crystals best used in this area are: Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Onyx
~Corresponding verbs: “I have” and “I am”
~Affirmations to strengthen & heal the Root Chakra: “I am centered & grounded. I am at peace with the material world. I am able to let go of fear. And I know that I am eternally safe.” (-The Spirit Speakers Podcast)
Level 2, Sacral Plexus Chakra [Located just below your navel]
“The pleasures”
~The Sacral Plexus Chakra embodies: Pleasures, Relationships, Identity, Creativity, Passion, Sensuality
~When the Sacral Plexus Chakra is balanced, you feel: As if your relationships are in harmony. You express yourself through creative outlets. You identify and draw in that which brings you joy and pleasure.
~When the Sacral Plexus Chakra is imbalanced or blocked, you may feel: Nauseas, have issues with the bladder or lower back pain [often manifests from relationship issues]
~Parts of the body it is associated with: Lower Abdomen, Kidneys, Bladder, Reproductive System
~Element associated: Water
~Crystals best used in this area are: Red Jasper, Orange Calcite
~Corresponding verb: “I feel”
~Affirmations to heal the Sacral Plexus Chakra: “I am alive, connected and aware. I embrace pleasure and abundance. Life’s sweetness flows through me and I radiate life’s joy.” (-The Spirit Speakers Podcast)
Level 3, Solar Plexus Chakra [Located in the area of your stomach]
“the power”
~The Solar Plexus Chakra focuses on: Self-Worth, Confidence, Empowerment, Values, Dreams, Master Manifestor
~When the Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, you feel: As if you are quite literally “on fire”: You know your self-worth, stand tall in your personal power and honor your values. You are confident in your life’s purpose. You feel worthy of being loved.
~When the Solar Plexus Chakra is imbalanced or blocked, you may feel: Lack of self-confidence, confusion, depression, stomach pains, food allergies
~Parts of the body it is associated with: Digestive Track, Liver
~Element associated: Fire
~Crystals best used in this area are: Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Yellow Calcite
~Corresponding verbs: “I can” and “I do”
~Affirmations to heal the Solar Plexus Chakra: “I am confident in all that I do. I stand up for myself. I respect myself at all times. I choose health, healing and happiness. And I deserve a wonderful life.” (-The Spirit Speakers Podcast)
The next chakra, the Heart Chakra, is considered to be the bridging chakra. It connects our earthly selves with our spiritual selves (bridges the above three earthly chakras with the below three spiritual chakras). It acts as a purification system: just as the heart circulates blood to all parts of the body, so does the heart charka as it purifies and clears out negative energy throughout the other chakras. Once our basic needs are met (through our earthly chakras), we embrace that which gives us pleasure and joy in our lives and feel worthy of love, we can then open ourselves up to receiving love.
Level 4, Heart Chakra [Located in the area of your heart and chest]
~The Heart Chakra focuses on: Love, Compassion, Sensitivity, Unity
~When the Heart Chakra is balanced, you feel: The ability to connect yourself with others compassionately and genuinely as a result of knowing that you are worthy of love. You feel a greater sense of universal connection to the whole world {the sensation feels almost as if there is a light beaming from your chest, outward}.
~When the Heart Chakra is imbalanced or blocked, you may feel: As if you are taking things too personally (take things to heart, literally), overreactive, the fear of rejection, too co-dependent
~Parts of the body it is associated with: Heart, Lungs, Circulation
~Element associated: Air
~Crystals best used in this area are: Rose Quartz, Emerald, Malachite
~Corresponding verb: “I love”
~Affirmations to heal the Heart Chakra: “I am kind to myself. I allow love to fill me up. Love guides my actions. I am able to let go of the past. I forgive and love myself and others.” (-The Spirit Speakers Podcast)
The next three are considered to be the Upper Chakras. They are known as the “Spiritual Chakras” and encompass intuition, expression and state of enlightenment.
Level 5, Throat Chakra [Located in the base of your neck]
~The Throat Chakra focuses on: Communication, Creative Expression (speaking, singing, writing, dancing, art, baking), Your wisdom and how you express your gifts {Not only does it focus on your outwardly creative expression, but also between your body and your mind: ie. Yoga}
~When the Throat Chakra is balanced: You speak and receive the authentic truth (you are honest). You have a good balance of self-expression and how you express yourself brings you joy. Confident in knowing that what we have to say is valuable and that you are safe to express it freely. You are a good communicator. You have a sense of purpose.
~When the Throat Chakra is imbalanced or blocked, you may feel: Introverted, as if you are a poor listener, arrogant, easily buying into other people’s opinions, not expressing our own thoughts or opinions, perfectionist, stuck
~Parts of the body it is associated with: Throat, Neck, Jaw, Thyroid, Ears, Mouth, Teeth
~Element associated: Aether
~Crystals best used in this area are: Apis Lazuli, Amazonite, Turquoise
~Corresponding verb: “I speak”
~Affirmations to heal the Throat Chakra: “I speak up for myself. I express myself with clarity. I speak with confidence. I speak to what is true. I express my gratitude towards life.” (-The Spirit Speakers Podcast)
Level 6, Third Eye Chakra [Located in-between your eyebrows]
“THE intuition”
~It focuses on: Intuition, Wisdom, Emotional Intelligence, Psychic Abilities {To see beyond what we can see with our physical eyes}
~When the Third Eye Chakra is balanced: You use your inner wisdom and insight to see past the physical world. You rely on your intuition to guide your decision making. You harness the power of your mind in order to change your reality. You go with your gut.
~When the Third Eye Chakra is imbalanced or blocked, you may experience: Headaches, poor vision, nightmares
~Parts of the body it is associated with: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Head
~Element associated: Light
~Crystal best used in this area is: Amethyst
~Corresponding verb: “I see”
~Affirmations to heal the Third Eye Chakra: “I am connected to the divine source. I honor and follow my intuition. I think positively and with optimism. I invited sacred transformation. It is safe for me to see the truth.” (-The Spirit Speakers Podcast)
Level 7, Crown Chakra [Located just above your head]
~It focuses on: Spirituality, Our Higher Selves, Loss of Ego Boundaries & Connection With Infinite Source of Life
~When the Crown Chakra is balanced, you may feel: Spiritually connected, whole, blissful. That you are experiencing the divine meaning of life; as Buddha calls, “the state of enlightenment.” Transcendence {You can obtain this sensation most during a meditative state}
~When the Crown Chakra is imbalanced or blocked, you may experience: Hopelessness, depression, alienation, lack of focus
~Parts of the body it is associated with: Nervous System
~Element associated: Cosmos (pure light)
~Crystal best used in this area is: Quartz
~Corresponding verb: “I understand”
~Affirmations to heal the Crown Chakra: “I go beyond my limiting beliefs. I honor my body as my temple. I am divinely guided and inspired. I am infinitely boundless.” (-The Spirit Speakers Podcast)
Now that you have your chakra basics covered, and may feel slightly as if you are screwed because you’ve checked one too many “blocked energy boxes”, you may be thinking: “What is the overall goal here? How do we solve it?”
The overall goal is to keep them as balanced and free of blockages as possible.
To help move through the energy that isn’t serving you.
To release.
Because there are things working behind the scenes that you cannot see, you just know you’ve put in the effort to for example, “be your most confident self ever” and are still hitting a wall; investigate it further and release a potential energy block in the Solar Plexus Chakra.
So how can you do that? Part II: Chakra 101: Release What Isn’t Serving You to follow.
“Each of the seven chakras are governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness, and wellbeing in our lives and in the world.”
{Sources: Chakra Healing: A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Healing Techniques that Balance Chakras by Margarita Alcantra, The Spirit Speakers Podcast by Patty Davis & Judea Lynch, Crystal Healing: The Stone-Cold Fact About Gemstone Treatments by Elizabeth Palermo on Live, The Beginner’s Guide to the Seven Chakras and Their Meanings,}